The Aspiring Leader

Aspiring Leader Pathway (Leading Self)


This course is designed for emerging and aspiring leaders in all mission-critical occupations to help them develop fundamental competencies and management capacities in preparation for supervisory and management roles. 

This course focuses on the six fundamental competencies: Interpersonal Skills, Oral Communication, Integrity/Honesty, Written Communication, Continual Learning, and Public Service Motivations. 

Participants will also have the opportunity to take assessments to learn about their strengths, talents, and values. After identifying current proficiency levels, participants will receive instruction and coaching on how to complete an IDP, incorporating both short- and long-term goals.

This course features networking and experiential learning opportunities, as well as a team project.

Target Audience: Employees in job grades up to GS-7

Format: 100% Online

Duration: 5 Months

Contact Hours: 80 Hours (2 days per month)